Uganda 2015 Trip-Project information
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Rainwater for Disabled Children
Rainwater Storage Tank System Under Construction, September 2015.
The Northern Uganda Community Based Action for Children with Disabilities (NUCBACD) is a local non-governmental organization working in Northern Uganda in promoting the rights of and supporting children with disabilities. NUCBACD acquired 10 acres of land on which it engages in food production to feed these children. Crops such as maize, sweet potatoes, cassava, sesame, millet, vegetables, and beans will be grown on large scale. Green house farming is also carried out to produce vegetables, such as: tomatoes, cabbages, carrots, and green peppers. HydroSolutions is directing the development of a new rain water collection system which includes in-ground storage tanks and a pump to facilitate water piping to the green house. NUCBACD hopes to sell any extra vegetables for income to support their children.
New Water Well for Katamarwa Schools
Primary school children in one classroom at Katamarwa School who will benefit from a new well.
HydroSolutions is assisting with installation of a hand pumped deep water well project at the Katamarwa Primary School and St. Peters Secondary School – Katamarwa village, Kikumba, Uganda. The total cost of the well is $8,500. This is an opportunity to better the learning and education of approximately 1000 primary students and 240 secondary students, (45 are boarding students), ages 5 to 18, attending schools in the impoverished region of Katamarwa Village, Kikumba, Uganda through provision of a deep water well providing hydration and clean water for better health.
At the end of January, 2016 the well was successfully drilled. The borehole is 60 meters in depth and pump installation will soon be completed.
Groundwater Level Monitoring
Hope 2 One Life has installed and continue to install drinking water wells throughout Uganda. The wells are regularly tested for bacteria and maintained on annual visits. However, until now, long term trends in water levels have not been monitored to understand seasonal and temporal trends. As more wells are drilled throughout sub-Saharan Africa, there is concern with overdraft of the groundwater resource. Thanks to generous donations from Solinst and In-Situ four transducers will be deployed on the 2015 trip on several of the wells to learn how groundwater levels fluctuate and to evaluate sustainable yields.
Learn more about assessing Uganda's groundwater here: