HydroSolutions delivers Yankee Doodle Tailings Impoundment Final Environmental Impact Statement to Montana DEQ less than one year after contract award, helping DEQ meet legislatively mandated time frame for environmental review.
Public Comments Sought on Holter Lake-Gates of the Mountains Comprehensive River Recreation Management Plan
HydroSolutions to Assist CDM Smith with West Side Soils Investigation
U.S. SBA Montana 2019 Veteran-Owned Small Business of the Year!
Time is Running Out to File a Claim on an Exempt Water Right - Deadline June 30, 2019!
Leanne Roulson Elected Second Vice President of American Fisheries Society
HydroSolutions is pleased to announce that our own Leanne Roulson, Fisheries Biologist & Environmental Policy Specialist, has been elected by the membership of the American Fisheries Sociesy (AFS) as their Second Vice President.